Light and shadow at Sam Mun Tsai

6 則留言:

流浪汉 瑜伽 Yoga Tramp 說...

Me car accident, Michael pass away
我车祸, Michael走了

Mag Yip 說...

Yoga Tramp..

thank you for your coming!!
Believe me that time will heal all.

Simply Mel {Reverie} 說...

What serene photos...beautiful!

Mag Yip 說...

Simply Mel..

hope you enjoy the picture.

肥貓 說...


My last time visit to Sam Mun Tsai was several years ago when I attended my ex-boss's wedding party.

Last Friday, I saw a luxury car in Central with the registration mark "MAG". I thought of you at once.

Mag Yip 說...


Wedding Party at Sam Mun Tsai??
I guess that they was live in here.
What!! luxury car and registration mark "MAG".
I really want to be a rich woman...ha..ha..ha...